Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Orlando Real Estate

Numbers released today for the Housing stats in Orlando. Starting to look up for the Housing Market. The 3 yr indicator is that we are almost at the same inventory we were back in 2006-2007 when things were going crazy. Although we may not see the rise in home prices in the 200% plus annual increase range, I think that this new number released shows how good the Orlando market can be.

The positive uptick in contracts pending is a good sign that prices have leveled and the market is starting to stabilize. The bad news is that buyers and sellers really have no idea of the problems that are out there that Realtors face daily. From Contract to Close, most agents tell me that we are still looking at 3-6 months if a bank is involved by means of short sale or foreclosed property.

For Commercial Real Estate, this is actually good news. It helps us understand were the market shift is going. Well, if history is an indicator, we are going to see a downward shift in the CRE market. Commercial tends to follow closely to the residential market. This means, next month and for the next 18 months, commercial deals are going to get low and slow.

How should we help this problem? As a commercial agent myself, I am going to educate my clients. If they know the process, they will see the value in your services. That is what we are all about anyway, right? We must add value to our clients and their needs. If we can't do that, then we are just another sales associate, trying to make a dollar.

One more call is what I will do. I will make that last call of the day, and with enough skill, luck and persistence, I will continue to have a great year as a Commercial Real Estate Agent.

Who's with me?

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